Sharing Candidate Detail Page


This feature allows Candidate sharing across other Harver accounts and users not part of any Harver account (external users).

In this article:

  1. Sharing with Users
  2. Sharing with Internal Users
  3. Sharing with External Users
  4. Permissions
  5. Accessing Candidates
  6. Rating

Sharing with Users

On the Candidate Details Page of any candidate, we can share this specific candidate with any internal or external user by clicking the Share button.



Sharing with Internal Users

To share with Internal User the Recruiter needs to enter the email of their colleague. Once the recruiter starts typing the email, an auto-complete list of matching emails will appear for the recruiter to select the appropriate one.

Their colleague will receive an email with a notification that a candidate has been shared with them and the link to the candidate.
This is useful for sharing candidates internally or across retail locations.


Sharing with External Users

To Share with an External User (such as Hiring Manager) the recruiter needs to select the Invite a new user button in the bottom left corner of the sharing pane.

Candidate Share Pic.png

They will need to fill in the following mandatory fields:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email address

  • Expiry Date

When sharing, the recruiter can choose if they are sharing just the assessment results, or they will include the Personal Identifiable Information (PII) of that candidate. Please note, you will be required to enable both checkboxes if you require the user to rate a Video Interview.

Expiry Date is the date until that user has access to that specific candidate and is mandatory for security reasons. The maximum expiry date is 1 month.


Important: When sharing a new candidate with a Guest User, always remember to check the expiry date settings for that user and update this if required. To do this, select the ‘Share’ button, and ‘Edit’ the permissions of the Guest User

candidate share 2.png


For each Guest user that has access to the candidate we can

  • Revoke Sharing Permission

  • Modify Expiry Date

  • Modify access to PII / Modify ability to rate candidate (Virtual Interview only)


Accessing Candidates

When inviting a Guest User to review a candidate for the first time, they will be required to create a Guest Account to have access to Harver. The Harver system will automatically send them an email to create a password so they can activate their account.

Guest Users will receive an email notification each time they are invited to review a new candidate. This email will contain the specific link to review the candidate details. Please note, the Guest User should be logged into Harver before clicking on the specific candidate link.

Guests need to be logged in with their Harver guest account to access candidates shared with them.

Account Admins can upgrade Guest Accounts to regular recruiters if needed.

  • If the account has configured Live Interviews, the Live Interview widget will not be available on the shared version of the CDP.

  • If PII is disabled, the user will not have access to Virtual Interview responses.



All users, internal and external can now rate Virtual Interviews for the candidates that are shared with them.

The ratings of these users will affect both the Module and Matching score equally, as any other user. The rating remains even after the user access has been revoked or expired.

Note: To have access to Virtual Interview and Virtual Interview rating, PII must be enabled.

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