System Diagnostics


Depending on the requirements of the company, the System Checker will run a check on the computer of a candidate to see if it meets the requirements. It will test things such as Operating systems, Networking speed, and browser versions.


System Diagnostics is the name of the module.

System Checker is a downloadable tool that runs on the computer and collects data.


Settings for the System Checker

  • Title of the System Checker

  • Image URL (optional)

  • should the module be skippable by candidates?

  • A custom block is available at your request.



The supported operating systems are MacOS and Windows, but not every check works on those supported operating systems.

Below are the checks that can be enabled, if it is a Collect Data only or if it is Pass/Fail, what the Check Measures, Supported Operating System(s) and Remarks




Collect and or Pass/Fail


Supported operating system


Free space


Pass/Fail or 


Add Minimum value (GB)

Windows & Mac


Processor (CPU speed)


Pass/Fail or 


Add Minimum value (GHz)

Windows & Mac


Ram Internal


Pass/Fail or 


Add Minimum value (GB)

Windows & Mac


Operating System + version


Pass/Fail or 


Add different OS types + version

Windows & Mac




Pass/Fail or 


Add different browsers + version

Windows & Mac

Only measures: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Edge. 

Machine type


Pass/Fail or 


Add different machine types

Windows & Mac


Download Speed


Pass/Fail or 


Add Minimum value (Mbps)

Windows & Mac


Upload Speed


Pass/Fail or 


Add Minimum value (Mbps)

Windows & Mac


Connection Latency


Pass/Fail or 


Add Maximum value (ms)

Windows & Mac


Connection Type


Pass/Fail or


Add types of connections

Windows & Mac

Note: If you have Wi-Fi but you are on VPN, your connection can change to Wired. Technical limitation.

(Processor) number of CPU Cores

Logical Cores


Pass/Fail or 


Add Minimum number of cores

Windows & Mac


Screen Resolution


Pass/Fail or



Add different resolutions (W x H)

Windows & Mac

Secondary monitor might make it more difficult to score this accurately



Pass/Fail or


Add Maximum value (ms)

Windows & Mac




Collect only


Windows & Mac




Collect only


Windows & Mac


BIOS Dates


Collect only


Windows only




Collect only


Windows & Mac


Geo Location*


Collect only


Windows & Mac




Collect or Pass/Fail

VPN required or no VPN required

Windows & Mac




Collect or Pass/Fail

Tor required or no Tor required



Virtual Machine


Collect or Pass/Fail

Virtual machine required or no virtual machine required

Windows only


OS Build Version


Collect only


Windows & Mac


OS Build Number


Collect only


Windows & Mac


IP Address


Collect only


Windows & Mac


Anti Virus Software


Collect only


Windows only


Anti Spyware Software


Collect only


Windows only


Firewall Software


Collect only


Windows only


Windows Update is Enabled


Collect or Pass/Fail

Windows Update ON required or Windows Update OFF required

Windows only


Windows is up to date


Collect or Pass/Fail

Windows up to date or Windows is outdated

Windows only


Has Secondary Monitor


Collect or Pass/Fail

Must have secondary monitor or no extra monitors

Windows & Mac


System Serial Number


Collect only


Windows & Mac


OS Architecture


Pass/Fail or


x86 and/or x64

Windows & Mac


CPU Brand


Collect only


Windows & Mac


CPU Manufacturer


Collect only


Windows & Mac



* IP Address check needs to be enabled to get VPN, location, and Tor results.


For any questions and set up, please reach out to your Account Manager.

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