Typing Test


Harver’s typing test measures speed and accuracy. Candidates will follow written text and aim to match the text exactly within a time limit. As they make mistakes, their score will be affected. 

Overall score = Net WPM in a percentage, norm referenced.

Average WPM = 38
Standard deviation= 17


Calculating Net Words per Minute (WPM)

Two measurements should be generated: gross WPM and net WPM. The gross WPM represented the number of keyed WPM regardless of errors.

Gross WPM = Typed Words / time

Spaces, numbers, letters, and punctuation are all included. Function keys as Shift and Backspace are not. A Net WPM calculation is preferred for measuring typing speed as opposed to the Gross WPM computation since including mistakes will give a more complete picture of your true typing abilities.

Net WPM = (Typed Words - Mistyped Words) / time


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