Setting up the Personal Module


The Personal Module is part of “Candidate Info” in the vacancy and is used to collect personal information about the candidate, such as first name, last name, and address. If this module is added to your flow, you can customize its questions at a vacancy level in the "Contact Details" within the “Candidate Info” in the Vacancy Settings. Step 4 in the article Building a Vacancy goes in depth about how to add/edit these questions.

There are 13 options that can be selected for the Contact Details. These items are optional and have the option to activate and the option to be required.

First Name
Middle Name
Address addition
Country of Residence
Country of Birth
Phone Number
Date of birth

How to set it up

When building or editing a flow, you can find the personal module within the Module store. You will be able to adjust where in the flow the module is shown and its branding.

  1. Navigate to the Flows tab
  2. Click on an existing flow you’d like to edit or click 'New Flow' to begin building a new flow
  3. Click on the blue ‘+’ to navigate to the Module store 
  4. Click on the icon which represents Personal
  5. Clicking ‘add’ to flow on the top left of the pop up
  6. Adjust the location of each test by dragging and dropping the tests into the preferred order
  7. Brand this section of the flow by adjusting the background image (optional) and adding any text to introduce the candidate to this section 
  8. Once your flow is built, build a vacancy, and customize what questions you will ask during this step 


Please Note: The information above only pertains to the Old Candidate Journey module. There is a NEW Candidate Journey module that is now that standard for collecting Personal Information within a flow. The New Candidate Journey Personal Information module is the preferred method to collect personal information from the candidate.


For any questions and set up, please reach out to your Account Manager.

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