Hiring Studio Module Configurator


When you would like to edit an existing module you can click on the edit button and it will redirect you to the module builder. Here you can make all desired changes to the module. Keep in mind that after making the changes and saving it the module these changes will affect ALL vacancies this module is in. So if the module was also in use for other vacancies it changes that candidate journey as well.

When making a change to an existing scorable* module keep in mind it can affect the candidate scores. This means that candidates that applied before the module change can have a different matching score than the ones that applied after changing scorable modules.


Module configuration landing page

Once you are in the module builder you can see all different settings on the left side of the page. You can navigate to each one of these settings or you can scroll down on the page.


Configuration Title

You can give the landing page a title. Make sure the title is a clear description of the type of landing page so you can re-use it in the future for other flows as well.


Here you can setup the language for the landing page. Make sure this is the same as the languages in the other modules and the vacancy settings. You can select the default/main language for this module and then add other languages as well. You can add as many languages to a module as you like from the available languages.

Landing page content

Create the content block that candidates will see when starting the candidate journey. This is often used to give a bit more information on what to expect from the application process.


Background image

Add an image that will displayed on the landing page background.



Add a consent box to the landing page that candidates will need to click before continuing their journey. You can use the standard consent box or you can create a custom consent box.



Add one of the cookie boxes to the landing page. You have the option to choose from different cookies and you can edit the text that is displayed at the cookie box.


Other modules

When you would like to edit one of any of the other module types you click on the edit button. This will bring you to the flow builder. You will see all available settings for that specific module and you can change the settings to meet the required settings for your candidate journey.

It could be that some modules give you more edit options than others. Some of the modules have more hardcoded settings and are therefor less editable. All editable settings are available in the module builder of the selected module.


Make sure to give your new module a clear name so there won’t be any confusion on what this module is exactly. There will be multiple modules in the account that are the same module type but different setups. By giving it a clear name it is easier to re-use it for other vacancies as well.

To learn more on what modules are available, how the scoring works and how to configure those click here.

Scorable module* A module that is taken into the overall matching score. Adding or deleting a scorable module affects the overall matching score.


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