Logging into your account


Logging into your account you will be able to have an overview of your candidates, share or close vacancies, and begin making data driven hires. To access the Harver platform, you will be added by the System Administrator (Admin). Once you have been added, you will receive an activation email. Your account will be activated, when you set your password via the email.

Note: Please be aware the activation link will expire so use as soon as you can.

If you are trying to log in and get an error message, there could be a few things going on:

  • You account was never fully activated 
  • Your password or email is incorrect
  • Your email is associated with a candidate profile (for example if you tested out the candidate experience using the same email address)

If your account was never fully activated, get in touch with the Harver support. They will ensure that your account is reset so that you can activate your account. 

If your password is incorrect, you can reset it by clicking 'Forgot Password'. An email will be sent with instructions on how to fully complete your password reset. 

You can log into your account via https://my.harver.com/



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