Location Management


Location Management

Harver’s location management page is part of our multi-location service. It radically improves decentralized recruitment processes for large companies with many locations, as candidates can now apply for multiple positions at multiple locations in one go. 

Location management makes it easier for location managers to hire the right candidate, by setting their hiring preferences. For example, location managers can use this page to select which jobs they want to hire candidates for, or to set the minimum availability criteria that candidates need to meet to apply.


Within this article we will go through the basics of Location management: 

How account admins can add new locations

Adding an individual location

If you would like to add a single or just a few locations to your account, then follow these steps: 

  • Go to the ‘Locations’ tab
  • Click on ‘Add new location’ on the top right 
  • Fill in all mandatory fields - see How to edit location settings for more information about these fields
  • Click on ‘Save’

Adding locations in bulk

If you would like to add locations to your account in bulk, please contact your Account Manager. Locations can only be added in bulk, not edited. 


How to search for locations

If you’re an account admin, or if you manage multiple locations, and you would like to search for your locations, then follow these steps: 

  • Go to the ‘Locations’ tab
  • Search for a location by name in the search bar on the left top
  • Use the filters on the left to filter locations on their region or job functions
  • Alter the display of the table by selecting up to 5 columns when clicking on ‘Customize columns'. 

How to edit location settings

If you would like to edit location settings, then click on a location in the ‘Locations’ tab and follow these steps:

Account admins

Account admins can edit all fields in the location settings:

  • Name: Edit the Location’s name here.
  • Address: Edit the location’s address here by searching for the address in this field.
  • Region: Assign an existing region to your location. To add a new region or to edit existing regions you can go to your account settings.
  • Location ID: Edit the unique location ID. This ID can be added to the end of a vacancy URL so that this specific location is preselected when candidates apply. Usually, this field is used to add the location’s branch number. 
  • Hiring chance: The likelihood that a candidate will be hired for this location. This number is visible to candidates and is often used to show candidates that certain locations have a bigger need for new hires than other locations. 
  • Users: Edit the location managers that will be assigned to this location. Location managers can manage candidates but will not be able to edit the name, address, region, location ID or hiring chance.
  • Activate / Deactivate location: When a location is active, it will be visible to candidates in the candidate journey and candidates will be able to apply for this location. If a location is inactive, then candidates will not be able to apply for this location. 
  • Duplicate location: On the bottom of the page, the location and all its settings can be duplicated.
  • Delete location: On the bottom of the page, the location can be deleted. 

Location managers (recruiters)

Location managers are also called ‘Recruiters’ on the Harver platform. They can edit some fields in the location settings:

  • Location image: Upload an image that is specific to this location. If no image is uploaded, a default image uploaded by the account admin in the flow builder will be shown to the candidates. Make sure to upload .jpg or .png formats only, with a maximum of  500kb.
  • Job functions: Add, edit, or delete jobs that are available in your location. You can change the status for a job to Open (accepting applications) or Closed (hidden from candidates). To delete a job, it must be closed first.
  • Location questions: For each language and each vacancy, you can specify which questions you want to ask your candidates. The questions were created in the Vacancy Settings by an account admin, but they will only be shown to candidates who have selected your location in case you have added them in here.
  • Availability criteria: Edit the minimum availability criteria that candidates need to meet to be able to apply for this location. If candidates don’t meet this minimum of hours per week, they won’t be able to see this location.
  • Activate / Deactivate location: When a location is active, it will be visible to candidates in the candidate journey and candidates will be able to apply for this location. If a location is inactive, then candidates will not be able to apply for this location.

For any questions and set up, please reach out to your Account Manager.

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