System Diagnostics Results


The Harver system Diagnostics Module assesses candidates’ hardware to make sure the right components are in place to run work from home software. Once a candidate has completed the system diagnostics module, you will be able to assess their results on their candidate detail page, PDF report, or Fact Sheet.

How to read the results

Once a candidate has gone through this module they will either have: 

  • Pass
  • Fail
  • Skipped (if enabled)

You will be able to see in detail each component that was tested and if the candidate passed or failed based on the benchmarks that were set up. Only when a candidate passes each component, will they score a pass for the whole module. 

The system diagnostics module is set up to test the following components against our default benchmarks or a custom benchmark which fits your organization’s needs. 

Component tested


Default Benchmark 


Operating System 

Windows 10 OR Mac

Processor speed per core  

Minimum: 1 GHz

Number of Processor Cores

Minimum: 1

Internal RAM  

Minimum 1 GB

Hard Drive Free Space  

Minimum 1 GB

Download Speed  

Minimum: 1 Mbit/sec

Upload Speed  

Minimum: 1 Mbit/sec

Latency Speed (Ping)  

Maximum: 500 milliseconds

Machine Type  

Desktop OR Laptops

Network Connection

Wired OR Wireless (WIFI)

Browser Version  

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher, Google Chrome 23 or higher, Safari 3 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 3 or higher

Minimum screen resolution  

Minimum: 640x480


The candidate experience 

When a candidate goes through this module, they will be asked to download an application called 'System Checker' or 'Harver Diagnostic'. Once downloading and installing this application, they will be able to run the application that will assess their setup and compare it to the minimum requirements mentioned above. 

Once a candidate has completed this module, you will see how each component was measured, either passing or failing. This allows you to assess if there are any gaps in the candidate's set up that are crucial. 

It is important to note that if enabled, a candidate can choose to skip this system check. If they decide to skip, this will be shown to you in their results as 'Skipped'.

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