Automation rules can help manage large candidate volume by automatically changing candidate status when a candidate meets a specified condition. For example, an automation rule can be set up that moves candidates with a great score from status NEW to SHORT LISTED.
This feature needs to be set up by your account representative, please reach out to them and let them know you are interested in this feature. If you are having issues reaching them you can reach out to for further assistance.
Automation rules can be based on three types of conditions: time in status, matching brackets, and matching score.
In this Guide
- Time in Status
- Matching Brackets
- Matching Score
- Matching Brackets with an additional score requirement
Time in Status
With time in status you can define how long a candidate must be in the “from” status before the automation rule is applied. One way to use this condition is to remove candidates who never finished their application from the list:
After 30 days move candidates from IN PROGRESS to REJECTED.
Matching Brackets
Matching Brackets are the score intervals defined in the Matching Profile and are associated to a Matching Label. By default each vacancy will have three brackets labelled “poor fit”, “good fit” and “great fit.” Read more about Matching Profiles here.
Brackets in candidate results: This candidate is in the bracket labelled “Great fit” because they scored over 80%
Automation rules based on Matching Brackets will work for vacancies with different bracket configurations.
Move Top Bracket candidates from NEW to INVITED.
Using candidates to status INVITED with an automation rule is especially powerful in combination with Harver Scheduling.
Special case: Some vacancies have only 2 brackets, or even 0 brackets defined. You can still create rules based on brackets from vacancies with 2 brackets, but the middle bracket won’t apply.
Matching Score
For vacancies without Matching Brackets you can define an automation rule directly based on candidate’s Matching Score.
Move candidates with a score between 80% and 100% from NEW to SHORT LISTED.
Matching Brackets with an additional score requirement
In some cases you might want to define an automation rule that applies to only part of a matching bracket. For example, you might want to invite all Top Bracket candidates, but only some of the Middle Bracket candidates.
You could create the following rule with brackets and score combined:
Move Middle and Top Bracket candidates with a score between 70% and 100% from NEW to INVITED.
A candidate who scored below 70% will not be affected by this rule, even if they are in the Middle Bracket.
If the selected Matching Brackets and Matching Score don’t overlap, the automation rule won’t work. For example, with the above matching profile the following rule will have no effect:
Move Middle Bracket candidates with a score between 80% and 100% from NEW to INVITED.