Interview Guide Structure


The Interview Guide is composed of a few main components: 

1. Personal Information - Name, email address, and phone number of the candidate.  

  • This information is only available to those users who have access to personally identifiable information (PII) and only for those candidates who complete flows where the Personal Information module is utilized.  
  • If you do not have access to candidate PII, you can still open the guide (the PII will be hidden in the header using asterisks), but you will not be able to print the guide because the View PDF button is hidden.  

2. Introductory Info - The Interview Guide header and description display on every Interview Guide. This is just a short description about what an Interview Guide is used for. 

3. Interview Questions - There are 3 types of questions that can display in the guide, based on how the template is configured. Examples of these are listed below and depicted in the following screenshots: 

  • General questions - These are questions that administrative users (typically recruiters or talent acquisition leads) can add to their template to be asked by interviewers in every guide that gets populated for this vacancy. Click here to learn more about configuring these or any questions on the guide. 
  • Competency-based questions - These are questions that were created by our People Scientists (one for each competency in the matching profile that’s associated to the vacancy). If these questions are turned on in the template settings, they will display on any guide generated for this vacancy. 
  • Trait-based questions - These questions are also created by our People Scientists and they are generated based on how this unique candidate responded to their assessment. If a trait question is populated on the guide, it is displayed because (1) the trait is defined in one of the matching indicators on the matching profile, (2) the trait-based questions are turned on in the interview template settings, and (3) the candidate scored outside the ideal score range (either above or below the range) for this trait. The generated question is different based on whether or not the trait is considered an upper or lower weakness for the candidate (upper weakness - the candidate scored above the ideal score range and lower weakness - they scored below the ideal score range). Each question also comes with a “hint” of what to listen for in the candidate’s response. Also, if the trait exists within a competency-based matching indicator, the interviewer is provided with information about which competencies this question/trait is related to. 

General and Competency Questions:image__2_.png

Trait-Based QuestionsInterviewguides3.png

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