At Harver, we understand that integrating with your ATS is essential for you, your employees, your candidates, and your overall business efficiency.
That’s why we partner with leading ATS providers to make integration simple and seamless by automating your hiring process and helping you manage it all in one place. Harver's robust enterprise integration supports both Candidate-Centric & Recruiter-Centric workflows where candidates get an uninterrupted experience and you get all your data in one place in your ATS.
Why should you setup ATS integration in Harver?
Connecting your Harver account to your preferred ATS simply helps you unlock the full potential of the Harver Platform. By connecting your Harver account with an ATS, you will be able to;
- Automate and synchronize your workflows with Harver.
- Eliminate bias by implementing scientifically validated assessments.
- Invite candidates for the Harver assessment.
- Sync the status and stages events.
- Get detailed reports in your ATS, in your preferred format e.g. pdf, CDP.
- Automatically load results in your ATS when assessment are completed by the candidate.
Getting ready for Integration
You must ensure that you are prepared and have taken necessary steps to enable integrations successfully. Here are the Harver integration checklist which ensure readiness.
- Define Integration Scope and requirements.
- Identify the type of flow(s) and pattern(s) you need to support; whether it is Inline or Adhoc flow or both.
- You have all the ATS credentials and information needed to complete ATS integration with Harver.
- You have admin access to the Harver Platform to perform complete integrations.
- Connect with ATS to ensure you have the right plan to setup integrations in ATS, including adding Harver in the ATS workflows.
- Some ATS requires specific assigned companyID or customerID or clientID identifier to connect, make sure you have it from the partner ATS to configure in Harver and enable the integrations successfully.
- Go through your selected ATS setup guides before starting integration to make sure you have all the necessary information for your ATS.
Additional Questions/Support
For any additional queries, please contact support team at